Well, Hello There,

My given birth name is Rebecca, however, since I was 5 years old everyone just called me Becca. So, ya’ll just refer to me as Becca, too.

Going into my early adult years I got tired of working at a corporation that was not fulfilling my purpose any longer. SO…. I quit my 9-5!

“What did she just say?”

Yes, you heard me right, I quit my corporate job to finally give back to others the knowledge of a healthy lifestyle that’s sustainable and afforadable.

Like any college student, I gained those nice “freshman 15” pounds. My metabolism wasn’t as fast as other females my age. I was also eating fast food (Taco Bell, Mexican Food, Applebees, etc.) every night too.

At the time I worked for a gym, just as a front desk girl. Every trainer kept trying to get me to stop my unhealthy lifestyle and work out, and eat a carrot. In my head, I was young and enjoying every bit of life. Then my dad had a stroke (almost lost him). I knew I had to start setting an example for him. I really did not know what I was doing.

So, I started to go into Bodybuilder gyms and train for Bikini Competitions. That is when it went wrong. I went through numerous bad trainers, binge-cycle dieting, and yo-yo diets that did not work for me.

The nutrition part started to intrigue me more, so I enrolled at Arizona State University (ASU) and after 7 LONG years I got my Undergraduate degree in DIETETICS. Joined a better team and coach, who understood nutrition, and workouts.

This is where it all started. 2012, a skinny fat college student taking a leap toward new goals. I had no idea what I was doing and just gave my trust to the wrong person.

After the third coach, I thought I was in the best shape and health of my life. Little was I unaware of how much damage I was doing to my body. I reached my goal but I did it in a way that no person should have to in order to maintain proper health.

After, damaging my metabolism and trying to sustain a look that was malnourished. I looked for a coach and education to help me reach healthier, sustainable goals.

I went from a damaged metabolism, binge eating, and poor self-control to healthy, fit, and hormonally balanced happiness.

I want to show you how to have your cake and eat it too. YES! You can have cake!

I started this blog to give tips and tricks to people wanting to understand the basic concepts of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Then it turned into more. It turned into taking on clients and guiding them on a year's journey to sustain the knowledge it took me to accumulate in 7 years. What started off as a fun “here are some facts” turned into quality relationships of helping people sustain a long-term healthy lifestyle. There is no need to cut carbs, go into a weird diet fab, or cut calories WAY to low.

Here is my family

My family is small yet mighty. We may not have everything, but together we have it all.

Clients are FAMILY too!!

Clients that have the best SUCCESS are valued. My clients become more than just clients. They are my FAMILY too.