Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Astrology: Terminology Trine vs. Square

Today I go into the different angles that planets will be towards each other. So when astrologers are discussing a trine or a square, and more terminology that is similar to that. I break down what that means and give examples.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Autoimmune Disease: The Other Diseases

Today we wrap up our autoimmune section with the other diseases that are being classified as autoimmune. I touch base on healthy lifestyle and what it means to focus on it.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Autoimmune Disease: Nerve System

Today I continue on with autoimmune disease in the nerve system. I go over a situation that was close to my family and causes and symptoms.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Autoimmune Disease: Joint & Digestion

Today we get back on track, and start the month with autoimmune disease. I go over the joint and digestive system autoimmune diseases, causes and symptoms.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Q&A Part 2

Finishing up all the questions, and diving into health and previous podcasts. Tune in today to learn more and experience listeners viewpoint and what questions they had.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Q&A Part 1

Listeners have asked, social media have asked, and here is part 1 to the questions y'all have been asking me.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Semi-Annual Intentions

Now that we are half way through the year, I discuss how a book has allow me to re-check in on my own intentions and how are you checking in on your own?

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Astrology Update: Cancer Season

Today I go over what is happening in Cancer season, what the full moons mean, what planets are in retrograde and the meaning behind it all. How to handle this season, and what to focus on for your life to be smoother.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Overcoming: Triggers

Recently people discuss how things can trigger them. So, today I dive into my healing journey and how I have been overcoming my triggers.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Overcoming Codependency Bonds

This week I go over my healing journey and still conquering codependent energy what it looks like, and how I am still working through it.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Overcoming Emotional Vampires

Have you ever felt completely drained, depressed, anxious, or emotional after interacting with someone? That is an emotional vampire taking your peace from you, strap in for another triggering episode of how you may be dealing with an emotional vampire.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Overcoming: Boundaries

Today we start a new month of overcoming... this episode dives into how to overcome when people are pushing your boundaries.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Breaking Bad Habits with Social Media

Today I go over how even I get hung up in the scroll endlessly on social media. I discuss ways I break it, and encourage listeners to share their own methods.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Breaking Addiction Habits

Join today as I share different ways I found & clients found ways to break habits. We dive into numerous addictions, not just food addictions. If you can take away one little nugget of advice I hope this episode helps you.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Breaking Bad Food Habits

We all struggle with foods that may not be the best for us... so how does one break that habit? Listen in as today I go over how I help my clients, and how I personally changed my lifestyle.

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It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.