5 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Weightloss

Going into college I was obsessed with the fast-paced lifestyle. Drive-thru foods, bars that made quick fixes. Every time I was eating, it was something that my body did not really like but I forced in it. It’s so easy to grab a donut and cup of coffee in the morning. At night when you’re rushing from place to place, whether it’s the mom driving from kids’ activities, or young adult running from class to class (or study sessions). Regardless life isn’t slowing down. So how does someone properly feed their body without crashing, or feeling awful? Making small adjustments no matter where the food is coming from. Burger joints make lettuce wrap burgers now. Sub the fries for side salad. Skip the pancake and egg sandwich, go for an English muffin with egg whites. Life is never going to slow down it’s up to our own personal decision to make the better options even in a not so awesome healthy food place.

The one thing people want are the things they are told they can not have. If someone kept telling you, don’t do this, can’t eat that, eventually all your brain will start to think of is having/doing it. SoOoO stop telling yourself NO! and start telling yourself YES! Let’s say you want the Krispy Kreme donut, well go get yourself one. The important part is don’t count on it as a meal. Make sure to have a balanced meal with nutritious value first. Then go and get yourself ONE donut. ONE donut will not ruin your diet or make you unhealthy. What it will do is get the craving out of your system to where you aren’t fixated on it. Now, don’t get me wrong a donut a day consistently is not what I am saying to go and do. What I am saying is do not restrict yourself. The more you restrict, the more your mind becomes obsessed, the more you will binge on the donuts verses just having one when you want ONE.

Remaking your favorite fast food at home will cut the number of calories consumed. Let’s take for example a Whopper Burger from Burger King (no not paid to advertise). All you are getting is a burger with fries. Making a burger at home with fries may not taste the same. HOWEVER, you will enjoy your own burger by seasoning it the way you prefer, cooking with less fats (reducing the calories), and saving yourself money on eating out. When my sister and I lived together we would find a day off to enjoy a meal together. Instead of going out and spending money, we would go to the store grab all the ingredients we needed. We started to see we spend less money, enjoy our cooking more than eating out, and get to stay in the comfort of our pajamas. I’m not telling you to cook all meals at home and never go out, that is not the point. The point is cut the number of times you are eating out and make some fun alternatives at home to reduce the amount of calories and money eating out takes.

This one is a BIG ONE for all my clients. Even for myself. Like I mentioned before life is busy, day-to-day activities go by so fast no one has time to stop and take a breath. That is why this reason is SUPER important. Anyone can reduce eating at places that do not provide nutritional value by packing foods that have the nutrients they need. “Well how do you heat up your food?Great Question! most gas stations will allow you to utilize their microwaves. One gas station I like in particular that never gives me an issue is QT, and since they are so friendly, I choose to fuel up there verses other alternatives. Another way to prepare is having the right materials. I love the Qontevo (con-tee-vo) prep bags. Qontevo doesn’t only keep your food cold for more than 12 hrs. they also come with prep friendly Tupperware, utensils, water bottle to get your water intake in, and fashionable choices so it fits every occupation possible. I prep my food the way my schedule works. Everybody has a schedule that works for them. You must find a schedule that works for you. Whether that is prepping everything the weekend before you begin your week, or prepping for three days and on the fourth prep again for the next three. Everyone has a system, and you don’t get there without trail and error. You must fail once or twice to find what really works for your lifestyle. The biggest part is not giving up after the first trail fails. It’s about seeing what work keeping that trick and changing the part that did not work. For example, I like to put all my major meats and carbs in bigger Tupperware and measure it out the night before. My sister prefers to prep for three days and put all her meals in Tupperware so they are ready to grab and go. The point is preparing yourself for the day, so you don’t fail for the next.

Lastly, sometimes we can be our own worse enemy. We start to doubt our own progress. We start to come up with excuses of why we are not good enough and feel like quitting. Make sure to have people, and factors around to remind you “why” you are wanting to make the lifestyle transformation in the first place. People can be having a coach to show you details and make tweaks to your nutrition that you are not seeing. Other people who can support you are friends and family that understand why you are making the change and communicating what the support looks like of what you need. Factors that can support your why, are posting sticky notes around various locations you look at often to give yourself a pep talk. Listening to podcast on the drive to work to build your mental focus on keeping to what makes you happy. Reading/listening to audible books that remind you of your purpose. Surrounding yourself with people and visuals will keep you focused on transforming the life you are wanting.


1.     Be Aware

2.     Don’t Restrict

3.     Copycat Recipes @ Home

4.     Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail

5.     Support System