5 Ways to Make Grocery Shopping Easier

I like to grocery shop every Sunday. I have a routine, and a list of items I get every week, some items every other week, and a few items once a month. However, I am always at the store every Sunday. If your town is anything like mine, Sundays are probably the worst time to go shopping. I don’t know if there is an AD out that states ‘One and All Come Shopping on Sundays’ or what. But it is always crowded, and busy, and feels like some items aren’t always there when I want them to be. So… how did I find ways to make shopping easier

1.       Shopping through an App

There are so many apps available on our smartphones that help with grocery shopping. Amazon has its own store that you can shop through. Instacart brings up local grocery stores that you live near that will deliver your items. And most grocery stores have online shopping where you can just go, and it will be delivered to your car. This method is so simple for those that have busier schedules, or lots of chores to do. This can be a great way to stick to your meal plan, or the grocery list you set up.

2.       Grocery List

Make a list… I can’t emphasize that enough MAKE A LIST. There are so many times I have gone to the store without a list and wandered up and down each aisle trying to remember what I need. Or what I want. Then buying more than what I wanted or forgetting items I truly needed and not wanting to go back to the busy store again. I used to use a paper and pen method to make my grocery list, and then I’d always lose my list. So, I got a grocery list app on my phone, that allows me to share it with my household. Or make numerous lists of the stores that I need to go to.

3.       Time That You Go

If I can’t make it to the store early in the morning it is not worth going to the store. When you go to the store in the afternoon, it is so crowded. You have to wait in a long line to check out, you are struggling to turn the corners to each aisle, and most of the items you want are already gone. The saying “early bird gets the worm” is the exact topic of this point. If you already know you can’t go shopping in the morning, then I want to suggest going toward bullet point #1 above. It will save you the hassle of a headache and irritability either go early or shop online.

4.       Map Out a Route

Now if you have time to go early and you have your list, know your store before you go in. If you are new to town, then I can see this being a little more difficult. So, take time to know the store. If you can map your list or map your route to your list, it is easier to get in and out of the store. Taking more time in the store trying to find items, will take more time and you’ll find things you don’t need and end up buying them. If I know I have non-perishable items to get, I will get those before my perishables. For example, if I know I need toiletries or cleaning products I’ll grab those before my food. I will also section my cart to where those items are separated away from my fresh produce, or meats.

5.       Eat Before You Go

Now, don’t do what I did one time. Wake up and just rush to the store because I slept in too late. I was so hungry shopping through the aisles, I felt like I bought more snacks than I ever wanted. Take time to eat before you go. If you go with food in your stomach you will stick to your list, and not have a wandering eye. This won’t just make your shopping easier, but, it will make your budget better too.

So, take these 5 ways and apply them to your next shopping day. See how much easier your life gets with implementing these tricks. See the stress, and the headaches go away. Less fighting with variables you can’t control. And make your day flow way more than rushing, forgetting, over-buying, and feeling exhausted about it all.

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