How to Survive the Holidays & Stick to Your Goals

1.     Stay hydrated

Life can get busy running from activity to activity, especially during the holiday fun. Sometimes the last thing on our minds is to drink water or stay hydrated in colder weather. Fun ways I have remembered to drink my water through the winter and holiday shenanigans are accountability buddies. Find a group of friends or family to check in on how much water they are drinking, or when you remember to drink send them a picture or message to remind them to drink. Another way I have survived the dehydration fiasco is by setting alarm clocks on my phone to go off every hour. Lastly, what really helped me was setting goals. I got a water bottle from Amazon that had time markers. I knew when to chug my water to catch up, or how to pace my water throughout the day. Once I got the water bottle it was easier for me to visually see my goal. I am a visual person anyways, plus having something fun and encouraging was a perk too.

2.     Make sure to portion control

One word that comes to mind with the holidaysPARTIES! Who doesn’t like a fun party. The snacks, the treats, and the decorative fun beverages. Ugh, I use to feel so guilty going to a holiday party and feeling like I couldn’t partake because I was too worried about gaining weight. “Oh, don’t have too many treats, and beverages the scale will go up tomorrow” the thoughts constantly haunted me to the point I wouldn’t go. NOT anymore! Going to parties is about having fun and making memories. In order, to survive the fun festive foods just control the size. I learn eating a higher protein meal prior to the event left me satisfied to where I did not want to binge on sugar. I would always drive my car, so it was one beverage and back to water. The desserts and treats are easy to take a small portion enjoy a bite and discard the rest. When I learn to let go of the control and just focus on what I could do better the scale the next day didn’t even move. I remained in a healthy lifestyle while having my cake and eating it too.

3.     Protein intake

Let’s chat about protein during the holidays. Protein helps with satiety. Later on, there will be another post going into the importance of protein. Right now, we are discussing protein during the holidays. Most fun festive foods are higher in carbs and fats, and very few items have a higher protein content. SO… how to survive that holiday party and keep your protein intake where it should be? Well, there are multiple ways to make sure your protein intake is satisfied before the party. First, know when the party is, and plan your other meals around the party. Make sure the other meals you plan have higher protein intake and lower carbs and fats. That way by the end of the day your nutrients are balanced. Second, packing your own protein is always an option. Now some people feel embarrassed to bring their own food along. However, when you have a bag that isn’t just a fashionable purse BUT a lunchbox too it is easier to sneak protein in. Lastly, protein shakes are always an easy chug-and-go feature while at a party. I also use my Qontevo bag when I go to parties. I will either load a few shakes or some cold grilled chicken strips to throw on a salad to enjoy. Either way, maintaining protein intake helps avoid overeating high sugary snacks.

4.     Don’t restrict

Now, you’re probably thinking did I not just read this in the last post? YES! Why yes you did. Why is this important? Well, I will share with you again, when you restrict yourself, you end up binging on the item you really want. Rather just have a piece be satisfied and move on. Restricting will only cause your mind to want more, and eventually overdo it, thinking you can not eat it ever again. Instead allowing yourself a piece and reminding yourself that it will be there next time to enjoy too, will keep you knowing you can have your cake and eat it too.

5.     Relax & Enjoy

AH, the main part which we always forget. We are always rushing from store to party, to work, to store, and back home to do more work. We need to stop, pause, and take in the small moments of life. When you are at the party, quit worrying about where you have to go next. Or what present you forgot to buy Uncle Bob’s distant cousin’s friend. When you plug in the tree take a moment to enjoy the beauty behind your work. When you’re in the car listening to music, shut your brain off and sing along to your favorite song, shimmy your shoulders a little at the red light. The holidays are meant to make memories, enjoy family, and be present in the moment. Cliché however the moment we are living is the greatest gift of the holiday, we should not be taking life for granted. Now I am also a Christian and I do believe the true meaning is Christ. And Christ reminds us to be present with Him and our families. SO, relax and enjoy the holidays, take pictures, and make memories (not checklists).