Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Finale: Third Eye & Crown Chakra

I wrap up this month's section with diving into the third eye and crown chakra. I speak on balance vs imbalance and how I personally have handle each one of these in my own life.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Heart & Throat Chakra

Today I dive into how I am feeling through this planet shifting season, and how my own chakras are blocked and ways to unblock the heart and throat.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakra

Today I am going over two chakras the sacral and solar plexus. I dive into balance vs. imbalance and ways to balance your chakras.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Power of Affirmations

What we speak has power, today I share how affirmations can show some powerful transformation in your life.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Chakra Affirmations

Listen in as today I dive into how to align your chakras with affirmations that will align mind, body, and soul.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Why Use Affirmations

Today I share listeners reasons for affirmations and why I use affirmations and how they make me feel

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Affirm from Point A to Point B

Happy March, welcome to the month of affirmations. As we enter into the spring equinox lets dive into how to change our energy around when things don't look so sparkly. Today we go over what affirmations are.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Communicate or NOT to Communicate

Why is communication important? Today I go over areas of life to why communication can be effective and continuing on miscommunication in those aspects.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Communication in Relationships

Starting February off with the forms of communication, a soft intro to this month's rendition of the how, the why, and the what ifs. Join me today as I discuss all the forms of communication that can be taken into miscommunication.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

When Life Hands You Lemons

Wrapping up the intention series for January. I dive into how to get back on track when life throws you curve balls away from your intentions.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Action Behind Intention

Today we go over how to set your intentions for the new year. How to put action into your intention to bring what you want to you.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

How to Set Your Intentions

Diving further into our section on intentions. Discussing how to set your intentions, if you are feeling stuck on how to get started listen in as I take you through how I set my intentions.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Happy New Year... Let's Set Some Intentions

New Year's resolutions are way in the past and not obtainable. Let's set our focus on intentions, we are kicking off this month by talking about intentions, and why they are important.

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Rebecca Raney Rebecca Raney

Herbs for Digestion

The gut is an important area for the immune system, and today we dive into which herbs help support your gut when you aren't feeling well.

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Listen up.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.