5 Recovery Methods for Health

The last few articles were focus on stress, and how stress impacts the body. Well now let’s focus on how to recover from stress. There are 5 techniques that can be super helpful. I like to pick one day out of the week. I make it my day off, which is always Sunday. I call it Self-care Sunday. I take the time to decompress and make sure I reset for the work week ahead of me. There are other professionals I see for different types of recovery. However, it is essential to make sure you prioritize your recovery, so you can keep getting stronger, physically, and mentally.

Here are 5 methods that can help your health

1.       Ice Baths

BRRRRR, I know I know; this was probably still to this day the hardest to commit to. The health benefits of a cold plunge/ice bath are amazing though. It helps lower the Norepinephrine hormone in your brain which helps with focus, energy, and mood. It can improve your resilience. It helps speed up recovery if you are an active athlete, avid gym go-er, or just an active person in general. It’s known to improve your sleep quality and help boost your mood while decreasing your stress. Since you are sending your body into a colder temperature, your body is having to work ten times harder to heat up, causing an increase in your metabolism, all while burning fat. Another great benefit of ice baths is helping to boost your immune system, there has been research that shows an increase in plasma concentration of glutathione. There is so much scientific detail that I will just recommend going to PubMed and reading the research it is amazing. So now we know how great it is, now the question is how do I take an ice bath. First, check with your physician to make sure you do not have a health condition that would be affected by this. Then get yourself a tub… I personally got myself a horse trough for a full body submerge, there are ice baths available CLICK HERE. I recommend getting a thermometer so you can check the temperature of the water. When adding water make sure it is cold, so the ice does not melt. Add anywhere from 3-5 5lb bags, you want to check the water after each bag. Make sure you stop around 55°F (13°C) because it will continue to drop. Make sure to set a timer for 5-10 minutes. Place a towel on the floor so you do not slip. Protect private and sensitive areas. Finally, wait 2 hrs before doing any hot therapy.

2.       Massage Therapy

Now, some people think they have to have a professional. Do you? NO. Can you? Yes. I in particular have both. On weeks/days, I do not see my professional for massage therapy. I use my Theragun. I love the brand Theragun just because it came with different accessories, and I enjoy the quality. However, I have friends who have different brands of massage guns, and the same benefits no matter what brand. I utilize my therapy gun after every active session, and sometimes during the day if I have a stiff body part. The benefits will help reduce stress hormones. It also improves circulation and reduces muscle tension. Other great benefits are improving the lymphatic system, increasing joint mobility, and improving skin tone. I do not spend hours with my therapy gun, I take a 5-minute routine to focus on one body part per day. I normally isolate my body parts depending on the workout day. For those that do not have a workout routine, or just need the benefits of a therapy gun. I would just choose the tensest body part week by week. I highly recommend finding a massage therapist to see if not once a month, bi-weekly.

3.       Nutrition

I feel like each article touches on this immensely. However, you can never get enough nutrition information on why this is super important for recovery and reducing stress. Again, I have said it once, and I will say it again. “You are what you eat.” If you choose to eat junk food, you will feel like junk. If you fill your body with proper nutrition, your body will utilize those nutrients to provide proper recovery for your health. If you struggle with nutrition or finding the right nutrients for your health. You can schedule a consultation, and let me help you transform your lifestyle. CLICK HERE. The benefits of eating the right amount of protein are going to help your muscle recovery. If you say, ‘oh well I don’t work out this doesn’t apply to me’ that is wrong. Protein for non-active people is just as important. It helps keep your lean muscle strength, so it can protect your joints and bones. Carbohydrates are essential for proper energy, and not high sugars to peak your energy then crash. Fats are essential for proper digestion, backup of stored energy, and other health functions, for skin, hair, and nails. Again, if you are concerned you are not getting the proper structure, please let me help you transform your lifestyle.

4.       Hydration

Well, we meet again water factor. I know you guys might be rolling your eyes, saying we get it drink our water. However, do you get it? Because we all know the importance of water. And we all know to drink our water. However, are we all truly drinking our water? The new water cup fad is the Stanley Cup. But you can use any fun and exciting water jug to help hit your goal. Hydration is important for the quality of sleep. It also aids in digestion. Our bodies are naturally made up of ½ water. We secrete water through urination, sweat, and saliva. So, are you putting the proper fluids back into your body, that you’re secreting out? Water is also good for your cardiovascular health. When you are dehydrated it decreases your blood volume, meaning your heart is working harder than it should. So, drink your water. Find a fun cup, set a timer for a reminder, and drink up.

5.       Stretching/Yoga/Meditation

Now I combined three into one… Why? Because it goes to show, what resonates with you? Are you someone that can just perform active stretching… or would you rather do a 15–20-minute yoga routine… how about setting a meditation routine to focus on that… it can also be all three which is why they are combined. Stretching is going to help improves flexibility, muscle recovery, blood flow, and mood/focus. Yoga has the same benefits as stretching; however, it adds a little more muscle building, joint support, better breathing, and increases self-esteem. Meditation is more of an internal builder. It helps manage anxiety, and depression lowers blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, and improves memory. Now just imagine combining all three of those or maybe just focusing on two of the three. The health benefits behind these three will help with stress and recovery, and you will start to see a better difference in your life.

Now, I know this can be easier said than done. However, again, I challenge you, for your health, to pick 2/3 out of the 5 to start doing in a routine. I want you to commit to 90 days! Yes, I said it 3 months! Commit to 3 months to recover and see how you feel. See how much your stress levels go down. See how much more clarity you have in your mind and focus. See how much more energy you experience throughout your day. I hope you can commit to this challenge and elevate your health to a better level. Let me know how I can help.


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