Supplements to Sustain Your Health

Yes, it is true that most of our nutrients do come from what we eat. And the saying is true, to eat the ‘rainbow’. However, not all nutrients can be absorbed to 100%. There are certain fruits and vegetables that once exposed to air start to lose the percentage of nutrients that they contain. Also, fruits and vegetables only hold a certain percentage of nutrients, it does not give you the full daily dose.

That is why there are over-the-counter supplements to aid. Now, do they give your body the full percentage too? NO!

When you combine the proper nutrition, with the proper supplementation, that is when your body is reaching optimum health. See each variable, whether food or supplement, will only be absorbed in a certain percentage once digested. So making sure to have both are great qualities to optimize your health internally.

Probiotic/Digestive Enzyme

Probiotic is going to be the more important out of the two. Good gut health is essential for absorbing nutrients. If your gut is overworking just to fight off the bad bacteria, once the nutrients try to pass through, they will not make it past the bad bacteria. Digestive Enzyme is a great component to have to aid your gut in breaking down the food you eat. I have tried numerous brands. They were beneficial I did not mind them. The one brand I found in particular that I liked the most was, Axe & Sledge Greens+. Not only is their product packed with proper probiotics, and digestive enzymes, but it also is giving you, your daily serving of greens. Now I know a lot of people say, “ew doesn’t it taste like grass” HAHA not AS BAD as other products. The Pineapple flavor is the one I like the most. It does not taste as “greenie” as most other green powders. That is why I gravitate more toward it. I have also heard people try and sell me a brand that they are affiliated with and it still tasted horrible. This is a company I am not affiliated with. I actually get it from amazon. (Who I am affiliated with), for the better price, they sell it at. So, if you are not on a probiotic, or a digestive enzyme… start now and do both!


Good ol’ vitamin C. There are so many reasons why this is important. Maybe I should make a podcast episode on this one. However, for short notes on here, this is the immune booster we all have learned. Can you overdose on this… yes! Too much can cause irregular bowels. However, there are more reasons why vitamin C is beneficial besides the immune system, it can be effective for the production of collagen, so aiding in skin, hair, and nails. Also, it has been shown through research, that is supports cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure. Another fun fact about micronutrients (so every vitamin) they normally work together like a big chain link circle. So, vitamin C helps with the absorption of iron.

Super-B Complex

As I mentioned in the previous vitamin, the nutrients are all linked. Well, Super-B Complex is important, because one B vitamin can’t work without the remainder B vitamins. So, when you isolate one, like B-12, you aren’t absorbing all of it, because B-12 needs the other crew members to be fully effective. Therefore, if you are wanting to see the energy boost with B-12, ditch the B-12 bottle, and switch to Super-B Complex, where they can all work together to boost your energy. It can also show improvements in someone’s mood. PLEASE make sure to consult with a physician if you have underlining medical conditions. Or taking prescription medications. If you already have been advised not to take B vitamins, please listen to your doctor.


This is a fun one… what does ZMA stand for? Zinc Magnesium Aspartate. What is in it? Zinc, Magnesium, and B6. Why should I be taking this? If you are an athlete, avid gym go-er, or super active with any activity/fitness routine this is important for recovery. It helps muscles with strength and endurance. It is great for recovery and better-quality sleep. These are just the small bullet print ways ZMAs can help. There are other benefits to the immune system, and some studies showed a difference in blood sugar control so it MAY aid with that. It has shown signs of helping with women’s menstrual time, with bloating and water retention.


I can hear some of you say already… if I eat healthy why would I need a multivitamin. Well… let’s be real… how healthy are you eating? Can you tell me that you eat healthy all day, every day? That you eat the rainbow in fruits and vegetables every day? That each meal is packed with nutrients, and you do not stray from your course once? IF you said yes to all of that, ok, then you are correct you do not need a multivitamin. However, there are a lot of people out in the world, that are living life. Eating out. Having their cake and eating it too. Is that bad? NO! Just utilize a multivitamin to supplement the vitamin intake you are not fully receiving. As I mentioned earlier, when some fruits and vegetables are exposed to air, they lose the percentage of vitamins available. So, now you are only getting a lower grade percentage. Well, by the time you eat and digest, and absorb, your percentage just went down again. Not getting the full intake is ok, just utilize a supplement to make up for the other half you do not get. A supplement multi-vitamin is not guaranteed 100% nutrient intake. Again, by the time it goes through the digestion system, and everything else, the absorption percentage drops.

These are just a few staples I recommend adding to a routine. I want to advise again, if you have certain medical conditions, are on certain medications, and have been advised by a PCP to not take a certain supplement. Listen to your doctor, they know your health chart more than I do. However, if you have not been advised and you start taking a supplement, your stomach has issues, or your skin starts to act funny. Please stop and consult a PCP. Take your health seriously and listen to your body.

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