5 Ways to Use Fruit

We are all taught to eat our fruits and vegetables. They are good for us. They give us strength and nutrients. Well... is there anything else they do…

Why, yes, yes there is. Let’s dive into fruit and the fun ways you can utilize it.

1.      Snacks

Here of course is the most common way to utilize it. The way we have been taught. The Ol’ Fashion strength and nutrients. There are so many options for utilizing it as a snack. Peanut butter with apples. Blueberries and yogurt. A huge fruit salad bowl with a mix of all kinds. The one big thing with having fruit as a snack, I do want to reference is to make sure you are utilizing the season. A lot of stores will sell fruit year around, and it has been modified, or additives put into it, to keep it fresh. Be careful when purchasing fruit. Make sure to follow the season and get the right product.

2.      Sweet Tooth

This one is my favorite reason. The natural sugar method. Some people will say “well isn’t bananas the worst fruit to eat because it’s high in sugars” … Yes, it is high in sugars. No, you should not avoid it, because it also has potential nutrients, and depending on when you eat, and what activity you do it can benefit you. If someone is more active or coming back from doing an intense workout/activity a banana is a great source of refueling. If you are having a sweet tooth at night, and you feel like you want to eat a whole tub of ice cream. Making natural ice cream with a frozen banana, or other fruits can help. Choosing natural sugar is more beneficial for your glucose levels, than artificial sugars. So next time you are thinking about eating that cupcake or going toward that donut. Try and have a bowl of fruit first. Wait a while and see if you still want that processed sugar.

3.      Gardening

Wait like growing your own from a garden… I mean sure you can do that too. What I mean is utilizing fruits, to nourish the soil for your garden. The two fruits you want to stay away from in doing this are avocados, and fruits like peaches. The pits make it hard for it to break down fast enough. Also, you want to avoid high-acid fruits like citrus and tomatoes. The high acid with cause an imbalance in the pH of the soil. However, other fruits, like apples, bananas, pears, grapes, and even berries. All those can be used to make compost with other food components.

4.      Skin Care

Skincare routines are important… and we can buy all the fancy creams, and masks. However, at the end of the day nutrients from fruit are going to be the youthful well to keep us looking young. Consuming fruits is a great way to internally keep it going. However, topically too. You can topically make fruit into a skin care product that helps in numerous ways. For instance, an orange, pact with Vitamin C, a few drops to your skin, will also leave it glowing and remove pigmentation. Watermelon pulp can be made into a mask, put on for 10 minutes, rinse and have glowing skin. Pineapple, the gold nugget of fruit. Take a freshly cut piece of pineapple, rub it around your neck, and face allow it to dry for 5-10 minutes, rinse with warm water (avoid cuts and acne), and helps give you a brighter younger appearance. Apricots are another fruit to make a face mask out of. Pomegranate another fruit to take the seeds and apply it to the face and neck for a glowing look. Mango and Papaya have so many great benefits and can be made into masks. You ca n combine them with other elements depending on the quality of skin you have, whether it be dry or oily. Mashed bananas, grapes, and kiwi are all fruits that can be turned into a mask for younger-looking skin. So next time you are wanting to drop $$$ on that brand of face cream, do yourself a favor and look up which fruit you can make a mask with, and add nutrients internally as well as externally to your body.  

5.       Smoothies

Who doesn’t like smoothies? Well, there may be some people out there that don’t like the texture. However, I am a big fan of smoothies. This can also tie in with Reason #1 for a snack. However, it can also be a post-workout meal. If you are someone who is trying to gain weight smoothies are a great way to pack calories into a drink. Also, reverse roles… if you are trying to lose weight, this is a great snack to feel light, and less bloated. The reason why this goes with fruit is because of the numerous variety of smoothies you can make with fruit. From tropical, to berry mixes. You can make it tarty, or sweet. You can blend avocado, or tomatoes and make it savory (not sure who would do that… but someone might) …

Liquid fruit is a fun way to internally take in your nutrients and make it as a meal or a snack.  

Anywhooooo… so the moral of all this is, yes eating the rainbow can benefit you internally. Just do not limit the mind to what it can do for you externally too. All those nutrients can be used outside the body as much as we use them inside the body.


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