How to Meal Prep Like a Boss

The ol’ saying fail to prepare, prepare to fail is THE TRUEST statement you can ever imagine. When you are in a lifestyle transformation, it is easy to fall back into old habits. The only way to break those old habits is by creating new habits that will help you obtain the goals you set out to accomplish.  Now it isn’t always easy to predict what will happen in life. And sometimes it isn’t always easy to get to the gym. The one thing you can stay consistent with is your food plan. Whatever lifestyle transformation you are making, it is easier to be consistent when your nutrition is 100% consistent.

Being prepared with your food plan isn’t always easy. There will be times when you are going out to eat, or when you aren’t anticipating a change in your agenda, those are the moment when being prepared is key to success. Making sure to meal prep for the upcoming day or week is important to stay consistent toward your goals.

Here are a few ways that you can meal prep and stick to your goals like a boss:

Prepping Tips

There are numerous ways to prepare your food. Refer to SHOP to get ideas through the cookbook. However, you can revisit the last blog on How to Cook Your Protein Sources to find different methods. If you are wanting more help with ideas we can sit and look into a lifestyle transformation for you in my consultation. However, you want to make sure for any food items that you are cooking, prepping, or using throughout the week you know their life span of how long they have until they go bad. That will be a huge factor when deciding when to eat, and how much to eat of it. You want to make sure you are utilizing proper cooking methods. CLICK HERE are some different cooking styles to shop from. The biggest takeaway is to know what you are having for the week, and when you are having it. So when you cook/prepare it you are able to monitor the shelf life.

Prep a Few Days Ahead

This can look different for anybody given the type of work one does, or what schedule someone has in their own life. Ok, for example, I am a person who will prep a bulk amount for the whole entire week. I throw all my prep chicken into one container, I throw all my vegetables into another container, and lastly my starches in their own Tupperware. The night before I get all five meals prepped into the Tupperware the night before. That works for my schedule and the work-life balance that I have. However, on the other hand, some of my friends, and even my sister looks completely different. They will only meal prep for 3-4 days. They put the meals in their own individual Tupperware ahead of time, and just have the frig ready to go. Then after those 3-4 days are done, they prep another 3-4 days and keep the routine going. This will look different for everybody. A key component no matter what you are utilizing is proper Tupperware. CLICK HERE.

Using the Right Accessories

Some people travel for a living, some people live in their cars throughout the day. Whether it is a busy lifestyle hustling from point A to point B, or having just a day full of errands to run, you want to make sure you are staying on point with your food. Making sure to have the right lunch box can be difficult. Especially for women. We already carry a million bags as it seems anyways. Qontevo made it easier to have all our bags compacted into one bag. They offer Tupperware, and utensils come with every purchase. It also has water bottles to keep you hydrated throughout your busy day. The styles are endless and can be custom to each person. CLICK HERE.

Those are just a few ways to make sure you stay on track and not stray from your goals. Whenever you aren’t prepared for the day, it gives you an easy way to fall back into bad habits. Those bad habits won’t help you succeed in the goals you are trying to achieve to live a healthier lifestyle. Take the first action, and pick a day to prep, find out which method works best for you. Prepping a week ahead or prepping a few days at a time. It is ok to fail the first few times, you need to see what works for your lifestyle first and foremost. When you fail, you learn the right technique so you do not make the same mistake again. The biggest thing you need to do is once you fail, do not give up. You need to shake off the mistake and get right back to your goal. Do not allow your thoughts to say just ‘because I screwed up now, I’ll restart tomorrow.’ NO, just keep restarting at that moment to make healthier options and choices.


5 Bad Habits Limiting Your Progress


How to Cook Your Protein Sources