5 Bad Habits Limiting Your Progress

Do you ever feel like you’re a hamster spinning around on a wheel, and just not going anywhere. You wonder what am I doing wrong? Why am I not seeing results? Well, there could be areas of adjustment that may help you break the bad habits and start seeing the progress. Change these 5 behaviors and watch your results start happening.

1.    Consistency

We all say we are consistent, however, have you ever tracked down truly how consistent you are. For example, we can all think we drink enough water, BUT when we actually take the time to measure how much we drink and track it, are we really drinking enough? We can say we go to the gym, HOWEVER when we reflect back on how many days, we went versus we didn’t, are we consistently going to the gym? If we want to see the results, we need to be putting in the work. That means consistently showing up for us. In the SHOP there is an E-Fitness Tracker. You can get it today, download and print it, or download and utilize it on a tablet. Keep track of your habits and watch to see the results that show up for you.

2.    Time Management

If you are like me, I have 5 planners all for different aspects of my life. One thing I did differently to start seeing the consistency in my life, was to merge together my planners and keep track of just two. I utilize the E-Fitness Tracker for my health goals, and I have my GO GIRL planner for everything else. Time blocking out your day and setting your intentions towards what you want to prioritize will help you reach your goals. When you are checking off all the things you have accomplished, and logging your results for the day, you will start seeing your goals become reality. Managing your day will show you where there are time gaps, and what areas you aren’t using the most out of the day. That is when you can change the way you use your time and make the most out of every minute.

3.    Preparation

AWWWWH we just discussed this one in the last article. If you missed it CLICK HERE, How to Meal Prep Like a Boss. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. This will also go hand in hand with #2 on time management. When you block your schedule to see when you can prep yourself for success, you are able to prepare your day. By preparing for the day, you are allowing yourself to stick to your food plan, get to your daily activity you set up for yourself, and stay hydrated throughout the day. Now, being prepared will allow you to execute #1 & #2. Preparing your day allows you to stay consistent with your goals, manage your day effectively, and start seeing the results you desire.

4.    Dehydration

Whelp, here we are again discussing the importance of water. Are y’all seeing a trend with me… DRINK YOUR WATER! It’s silly, whenever my sister and I start to feel off, we ask each other “How much water have you had today?” 9/10 times we are dehydrated. So, I challenge you, to do the same thing. Next time you feel sluggish, headache, body aches, bloated, or have any health symptoms, ask yourself “How much water have I had today” and see if you are dehydrated. Also, when going out we tend to drink more fun beverages than water. Take accountability. Track how many fun beverages, whether alcohol or not, you drink versus how much water you consume. That will help eliminate any possibility of not seeing results as you want to. The nice thing about the E-Fitness Tracker is it helps track food and water to keep you accountable.

5.    Stress

Lastly, this is HUGE for results. Your body internally will reflect externally. If you are stressed, most likely you aren’t getting proper sleep, which will affect results. Sometimes it can affect the way we eat, which will detract from our food plan. It can also affect the way our body processes in general. Cortisol, digestion, and CNS (Central Nervous System), all play a factor in getting the health results we want. Now, I know as much as the next person knows avoiding stress is nearly impossible. Somehow and in some way it will creep into our lives. The best we can do is find a way to relieve stress. Some people go to therapy, some people do yoga, some people meditate, and others just take time to do what they love and have fun. Whatever relieving stress looks like to you, do that. We have one life we live, and it is too short to stay stressed and work all the time. That is where work-life balance comes into play. That is why you work to accrue time off. Balance your life to get the health results you desire.

So, take these five areas, and evaluate where in your life one or all of these are taking part. It will be easy to fall into old habits that feel comfortable. When you feel like you are reverting back to what feels comfortable, take a minute to re-evaluate and re-work your goals. Refer to #2. When I start to slip into old habits, I reset, re-organize my schedule, and commit to my goals of how I want my life to be. Make the conscious effort to implement all five and watch your results start happening for you.


Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail


How to Meal Prep Like a Boss