7 Benefits of Castor Oil

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Castor oil was a commonly used oil that treated a lot of health conditions. Because it was overused and people started to see more side effects than benefits it slowly went out of “style”. The oil contains a toxin called ricin, so when overdone it is not ok for someone’s body. However, from holistic teachers making a comeback of castor oil, more and more people are starting to bring it back into practice. The biggest concept with castor oil is like the most amazing things in this world, it should not be overused.

Castor oil has been utilized and found to be beneficial for multiple purposes, not just one common area of the body.

1.       Immunity

Since castor oil is known for its triglycerides that is the boost in helping bodies. Since it is more proven in holistic medicine, and not enough scientific research has been done, professionals state more research needs to be done. SOOO, what can be shown through natural medicine is the improvement of the lymphatic system, blood flow, thymus gland, and cardiac circulation. Utilizing castor oil has been shown in a few areas to boost lymphocytes that help fight toxins and bacteria in the body. While other aspects show the improvement of circulation through blood flow.

2.       Skin Care

Castor oil also has another component to it called undecylenic acid. This property has shown germicidal and disinfectant properties. This can be super beneficial for irritation of the skin, ulcers, and bacterial or fungal infections. It’s been shown to improve wound healing, sunburns, and acne. It helps with inflammation and can be paired with other carrier oils such as coconut, olive, or almond oil.

3.       Libido/Labor

With Castor oil having high concentrations of fats, some research (more needs to be done) has shown the elevation in women with low sex drives. It also has shown improved PMS symptoms. Because there is not enough evidence to conclude there is no rhyme or reason to it. However, with pregnant women research has shown that ricinoleic acid helps promote the EP3 prostanoid receptor in the uterus causing uterine contractions. Please make sure to consult with your care provider before doing anything on your own. Because it can stimulate labor you want to make sure an OBGYN or Doula is guiding you, and your pregnancy for a healthy baby and a healthy mama.

4.       Constipation

The same acid that helps labor helps constipation. Ricinoleic acid helps promote digestion and regulates bowel movements. It has been shown to benefit those with leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and constipation. Because it is also a great antibacterial oil it helps improve gut health, again be mindful of how much you are utilizing or intaking.

5.       Arthritis

This can be shown in rheumatoid arthritis or just plain old arthritis. Now, it isn’t once you use it the one time, you’ll see improvement. This is an oil that needs to be utilized regularly and as a routine to show the most benefits. Because of the ricinoleic, oleic, linoleic, and other fatty chains found in this oil, it shows improvement with joint pain, and even in gout.

6.       Hair Care

The ricin in the ricinoleic acid helps moisturize and improve the scalp. Since those fatty chains have shown antibacterial and fungal properties it helps keep the scalp in prime condition for better hair growth. It helps from losing hair and drying out.

7.       Eye Care

This one is super important for me being that I was born with poor eyesight. I know a lot of friends and family who also do not have the best of eyesight. And let’s be honest as we age our eyes slowly start to go too. Castor oil’s anti-inflammatory properties help with cataracts, relieving dry eyes, and preventing infections. It can’t cure poor eyesight; however, it can aid in bettering your eye health.

Remember though all these benefits are wonderful and can show great improvement in health. Make sure to understand the precautions of overdoing castor oil. Make sure whatever you are utilizing castor oil for, whether it be a castor oil pack, or internally you are having an adequate dosage to not overdo it. If you are concerned and hesitant, contact your care provider to discuss it with them first. Castor oil may not be for everyone depending on someone’s health background. Since castor oil has picked up in the naturopathic side. I wanted to address why it is becoming super popular again.

Like all things read understand and do research, if not enough is out to support do what makes you feel good, and if you aren’t ready to dive into it, hold off.


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