7 Foods to Fight Allergies

Spring is in the air, everything is blooming, and pollen is spreading. Though it can be so beautiful to look at all the wonderful plants that come with Springtime. It can also mean itchy eyes, sneezing, congestion, and pesky allergies that are always unwelcome.

So, how does one get rid of those nasty unwanted allergies? Yes, there are antihistamine over-the-counter medications that help subside the symptoms. However, there are also foods you can nourish your body to help alongside over-the-counter medication.

7 Antihistamine Foods


Start garnishing your rice, meats, and dishes with this seasoning. Parsley has the properties to help heal the mucosal lining of the stomach, AND of course, its antihistamine properties help with allergies. It prevents the histamine attack that goes down in the body from releasing. Fresh is always beneficial, however, dried parsley sprinkled with flavor is still better than nothing at all.


This vegetable comes in handy during allergy season for two reasons rich in vitamin C and holds a powerful flavonoid called kaempferol. Kaempferol is a molecule that has 4 hydroxy in it. Meaning though it is a flavonoid it acts like an antioxidant and the healing properties are more beneficial than just acting as an antihistamine. Besides its wonderful compound, being rich in vitamin C boosts the immune system, so while your body is trying hard to fight off all those allergy attacks, Broccoli keeps your immune system in good condition.


The juicy sweet treat on a warm spring day can bring more joy to you than just your taste buds being happy. Peaches have been shown to inhibit cells that derive from an allergy attack. So, it stops the histamine response and prevents inflammation from occurring in the body. So, enjoy this peach by itself, or warm it up with a streusel and enjoy some dessert.


Now, I think we can all agree here…

In one way or another, we all have heard the wonderful power that turmeric holds as an inflammatory. Numerous studies have been done to show how turmeric acts as an antihistamine and helps the body with inflammation. It can be used in different ways…

Smoothies, Golden milk, Soups, Eggs, Rice, and Roasted vegetables.


Just so we don’t only cover the savory options of foods. Let’s go over another wonderful fruit option, Pomegranates. Pomegranates contain polyphenols making them rich in antioxidants and having healing properties to fight mast cells from histamine attacks, and lower inflammation. So, if you aren’t too much of a sweet treat person and want that in between pomegranates are a great fruit to grab and help your body fight its next allergy attack.


Ginger is one of my favorites. Ginger can act as a flavor to add to food, it is great for after indulging in sushi, and spicing up tea with a ginger aroma makes for a calming treat. Ginger is known for so many healing benefits and one of those healing benefits is reducing inflammation. Studies have shown that it acts as a mast cell stabilizer so when histamines come to attack ginger fights back.

Sweet Potato

Saving the best for last. We can pretty much call this the MacDaddy of antihistamines. Sweet potato, though you have heard about this vegetable in other blogs, has so many wonderful healing properties. Besides the vitamins, and minerals this vegetable holds. It also has phytonutrients and antioxidants that stop a histamine attack on cells. Sweet potatoes are good for any type of meal too. Sweet potatoes can be turned into a dessert or eaten savory. You can air fry them up and enjoy them, or mash them and make them into whatever you want. There are so many ways to enjoy this wonderful vegetable. And steer clear of allergies.

There are more foods out there that also have antihistamine properties. These are just a few of them. So, do not be shy in exploring your options, and finding a wonderful ingredient, treat, or savory item to help combat this spring’s allergy season.


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