Best Methods to Track Your Results

I bet we all have been in a position where the scale has deceived us, or it did not feel like how we looked was what we weighed. Most people including myself want to see results, a win, something that makes us feel good. That moment of accomplishment makes us feel more empowered to do more or challenge ourselves to do something harder. Making changes in different methods allows us to see results in all areas of our goals. For example, by challenging myself by substituting poor-quality nutritional habits, with better-quality healthy habits, I see my internal health change. I start to feel good, have more energy, and better sleep. So, there are more methods for tracking progress than just scales.

Internal Tracking

Have you ever woken up feeling more tired than when you actually went to sleep? Or at 3 pm, you hit an invisible wall of low energy and you just want to nap? Internal health can be a great tracker for a healthy lifestyle change. The foods we choose to eat, how much water we choose to drink, and the amount of sleep we get at night, are all factors that can track how we feel. When we aren’t drinking enough water, we can see our skin dry up, our hair looks/feels brittle, and we feel sluggish. Also, maybe our kidneys hurt… When we decide to eat junk, we feel like junk. “We are what we eat.” So next time you are feeling sluggish, not really good, or in a bad mood take into consideration what you put into your body or haven’t put into your body.

External Tracking (besides the scale)

Yes, we all know a scale is a great tool. In fact, there are some scales out there now that tell you what your BMI is, and water-to-fat ratio, and download it all to your phone. Are those scales great to see what is really happening? Sure, if you do not get trapped in the psychological war of numbers. I was once a victim of weighing myself daily. The psychological health of weighing yourself every day is not good. You do not need to be defined by a number. There are so many other ways to see and feel results without a number. When my clients feel overwhelmed by a scale, it is starting to negatively impact their thoughts. I tell them to throw it out or hide it. Then I will state, measure one trouble area of your body. Watch the inches, versus the weight. Or get a size of clothes you are dying to fit into. Every three weeks try them on to see how they feel. Other ways to measure external results are to visually see the results. For the fitness and more active lifestylers when you are working so hard at your activity, it is nice to see the muscle definition start to show. Some people take photos to document the progress. These are just a few of some external tracking measures to see your results.


Another way is through habits and substituting bad habits for better healthier habits. For example, say you are not prepared with your meal plan, and you end up eating out. Well ordering something more nutritious for your body, is substituting the old habit of junk food versus healthier food that makes you feel better. Another habit adjustment to help with your results is preparing the night before. Setting your intentions for what you want to accomplish the night before will help achieve and execute the goals the next day. Cutting out stress or finding a way to do more self-care is a good habit swap. By prioritizing your needs and mental health first, it will allow you to have more energy and space to choose the right choices or help others efficiently. When we are balanced in our life from self-care to other aspects the results of health will follow too. Again, there are numerous ways to change habits and make tiny adjustments to see the results transform. If you want more assistance schedule a consultation. CLICK HERE.

Never settle for one method of tracking your progress. When starting your lifestyle transformation look to multiple ways of tracking the progress you desire. Make your goals/intentions thorough, what are you wanting to accomplish? And why? Then take a look at aspects of your life you are pouring into other areas that aren’t helping your goals. What can be cut? What can be placed in a different priority area? Making small adjustments will guide you to your desired goals and track them in more ways than one.  


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Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail