7 Healthy Desserts for Your Sweet Tooth

Now that the holidays are over, we all want to cut the sweets, and extra snacks we’ve been eating. BUT HOW?!? The minute we start to cut the sugar we crave it more, get a headache, maybe feel a little moody, and start to want more. Yes, there is a study that shows sugar when consumed triggers your brain, the same way drugs would trigger the brain. Essentially, we are cutting a drug and a very addictive one at that. So how…can we have our cake and eat it too

Well, here are 7 Healthy Desserts, to help you fight the sugar craving, and enjoy…

1.    Fruit

Here is a fun one that comes in different varieties. Fruit is natural sugar, so instead of utilizing processed sugar that can feel harder to stray away from, or becomes more addicting, go towards natural sugar. This can be any type of variation, from air-frying apples to a berry parfait, you can even do a banana with cinnamon. You can find fun recipes in the E-Seasonal Book. CLICK HERE. The main point is to switch to more natural sugar.

2.    Cool Whip Bars

Now natural sugar is important, however, there are only so many times we can eat fruit before we start craving processed foods. So here are some simple ways to have your cake and eat it too. This recipe is in the E-Seasonal Recipe Book. CLICK HERE. Take 2 whole graham crackers, 2 tbsp of lite cool whip, and optionally you can add cinnamon or a flavor powder sugar-free pudding mix to it. Put the two tablespoons of cool whip between the two graham crackers and freeze for 2-8 hours. They are simple and enjoyable while cutting out the high sugars, and calories.

3. Sugar-Free Jell-O

This is a fun way whether it is a pudding or actual Jell-O. You can have different options, flavors, and creativity. Sprinkling sugar-free Jell-O powder on grapes and freezing them is a good health hack. Sprinkling the powder on cucumber slices is a good sweet tooth hack. There are numerous combos and fun ways to get creative. You can even make your own gummy bears and use these silicone placements. CLICK HERE.

4.    Ice Cream for Your Goals

I scream You scream, We all scream for ice cream… If you are anything like myself, you can enjoy ice cream whether it is -2° or 115°. Ice cream is a fun treat no matter what season you are in. There are options for having your cake and eating it too. Some healthier brands of ice cream treat, I love are Yasso, Halo Top, Enlightened, or Oatly. Those are brands that are a great pick-me-up when making something for yourself is not on the list of to-dos for the night. However, if you’re feeling creative and do not want to buy ice cream, take your favorite protein powder, some ice, and either water or milk of preference and blend like a smoothie. However, the key trick is using less liquid to make it thicker for ice cream texture.

5.    Dark Chocolate

Some people will argue that this is not healthy. However, it depends on the brand and ingredients you are using in your chocolate. Also, how much are you consuming… are you having the whole bar? Or are you having a piece of chocolate. Dark chocolate can be a great source of nutrients when bought and made with organic ingredients. When you start getting processed dark chocolate with additives involved, you are only going to trigger your sweet tooth more, not cure it.

So, when looking for alternatives to the cake, cookies, donuts, and baked goods you normally enjoy. Go for a more natural sugar approach first. When that does not help then go for alternatives that can be less sugar and fewer calories. AND… if that still does not help, then remember your dessert does not go anywhere, portion control a small piece to solve the craving and leave the rest for another day. It will never go away, and you do not have to sacrifice everything in life.


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