Self-Care for Health

Right now, we are in a generation that is all about work, working hard, and sometimes overworking. We tend to work for things we want and forget about the mental, and internal health we need. I feel this is a huge topic that has been most recently brought to attention and more focus is on helping people get back to a better mindset.

We all know 2020 really set people’s mental focus backward. A lot of mental health issues arose from that year. I am no psychiatrist and I do not offer any medical diagnoses. What I can offer are health benefits to help focus more on self-care and what that may feel like to some people. Self-care comes in multiple ways…


Some people prefer journaling. I am one of those many that write out everything. I write the good days when I’m thankful and have amazing news to share. I also write about the bad times, I call those “purge days.” That is when I write out all the negative, all the bad, and all the insecurities. Sometimes I will rip the page out and burn it to release the poor intentions that it comes with. I personally chose a journal that has scripture at the bottom of the page. That way when I’m done writing, I read the passage, and 9/10 times it correlates with what is happening in my life and provides reassurance. There are many journals out there. You really want to find one that resonates with you. I recommend putting your journal in a safe spot. That way it is for you, and only for you.


This can be something that is two separate areas or one. Yoga does not have to be some advanced class where you are doing the most or the craziest stretch. Yoga is for deep breathing and releasing the stored trauma inside of your body. That is why they have yoga for beginners. I am not a fan of yoga classes. I did not feel comfortable in them, and I could not keep up with all the fancy lingo. SoOo I started to do 10-15 minute yoga videos on YouTube. I would search around until I found an account that I liked. The second part is meditation. Now, this can look different to so many people. Some people with tell you there is only one way to meditate. WRONG! There is not one method that will work. It is what feels most comfortable to you. If you are someone that struggles with silencing your thoughts for 5-10 minutes. I would recommend doing a guided meditation so you can focus on the words and not the thoughts. Some people I know like to do a 10-minute yoga deep breathing/stretching routine followed by a 5-10 meditation to unwind. It does not have to be both; you can choose one. End of the week I do yoga. Every morning I do meditation. Again, you want to do what feels good for you.  


Now some of you are probably cringing with this one… if so, move along this is not for you. Some people like myself, do great with water as an element to calm and release stress. I love to do a 20-minute Epsom salt bath with lavender. I do not bring my phone or any electronic device with me, I light a candle shut the lights off, close my eyes and relax. I do set a timer, set it outside the bathroom to hear it go off. There are many natural healing remedies for lavender and Epsom salt. You can do it multiple times during the week, or once a week. Again, it is what resonates with you, and makes you feel good.


Some have told me “I’m not a reader” that is totally fine, you do not have to be, and that is why they made audibles. Some have said doing self-help books is a lot of focus. Ok, so do something fun. Reading can look different to everyone. My personal choice is reading 10 pages of self-help in the morning, and reading 10 pages of a fictional fun book after work. I love reading and always have. I have some close friends that do not like the actual reading, but when they get into their car, they do an audible like they are listening to a podcast. Again, this is something fun, to have your mind focus on something different from the stress and anxiety of life.

These are just a few ways to do a self-care routine. This will look different to everyone depending on what resonates with you. If you love doing something else, singing, dancing, or working out, whatever it looks like. DO that. DO what feels good to you. We get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, we forget to do what we love, and what brings us joy. So, to retrain our minds, and to start living a life we enjoy. I challenge you this week to do 3 things that are fun for you.



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