How to Eat More Calories

It is hard to think that there are times when we can’t eat enough, or we feel we are eating too much when in reality we aren’t eating enough. Eating can play mind games with us, where society has conditioned us to feel like we need to be eating low calories. When in reality we need to be eating for our OWN body’s metabolic set point. Each person has a different set point. So, it is important to eat the right calories for you.

So, what if you aren’t eating enough? How do you know you aren’t eating enough? How do you get more calories in when what you eat now feels like a lot? All great questions are going to be addressed today.

What If You Aren’t Eating Enough?

This can be hard to tell because if you are used to eating a certain way for too long, you actually move your metabolic set point lower than what it should be. So, your body is going to think it needs fewer calories than what it should be taking in. This is more metabolic damage which we will cover later. Now, if you aren’t in metabolic damage and you are eating, and you still feel hungry there are two types of hunger you will feel. The raging hunger of your metabolism builds where you want to eat everything in sight. This can also be because you’ve psychologically told yourself you are in a deficit and your mind is playing games with you. Or there is the hunger where you aren’t eating enough, and your body is trying to tell you that.

How Do You Know You Aren’t Eating Enough?

This is hard for an individual to catch and to realize what is enough food for me, and how do I know how much I should be getting in. I want to simply state, if this is a concern, hire a coach… I offer three different courses, and in those courses, I teach my clients how to know what to eat for their bodies. I break down the macronutrients, and how to look for different signals. I walk them through being able to go through holidays and vacations with an understanding of what they need to know.

Why go to a professional…Well, a professional is going to have the certifications and educational background to help someone versus giving them a cookie-cutter outline. A lot of people want the quick fix the simple eat this, do this, take this when in reality it is more complex. I explain this in Friday’s Podcast. CLICK HERE. ‘Right or Left Turn… Neither is Wrong’. A person’s journey to a healthy lifestyle is their journey. It is going to look different to everyone. So, not one plan and one model fit everyone. A professional is there to help guide and show you what works for your body.

If you are interested in a consultation. CLICK HERE.

How to Get Calories IN

Now, for the main point of the whole topic today. Getting calories in when we don’t feel hungry. This can be so troubling, and believe it or not, I was once at this point. I would have two main meals a day. Not of nutritional value, and damaged my metabolic system pretty badly, to where I had to rebuild it. One it is not easy rebuilding it so be patient with yourself. Two it takes time for your body to understand a different routine that you are giving it. And three always remember to give yourself grace as you trial and error on what works for your body.

So, get calories in you want to start with foods you like. If you aren’t eating stuff that you like, you won’t want to eat it. You will fall back into poor habits that will leave you going backward not forwards.

Find ways that make life easier. What do I mean by that… one simple way to get calories in without really recognizing it is through smoothies, or protein shakes. You are engaging your metabolism to work by utilizing the calories in the smoothie, and by not chewing any food tricks your brain into thinking something different.

Find ways to add calories. If you are great at getting in protein, and you actually eat more protein than you should and carbs/fats are your weakness, start dressing up your food. Add condiments, add oils, and add seasonings. The more you can dress your proteins up the easier your body will notice more calories coming in. Now, say it is reversed and you are poor at getting protein in, which some are. Find foods with higher protein content, and tailor back your higher-carb meals to feel like eating protein.

Find higher-calorie meals. I know this sounds weird but hear me out. Sometimes we tend to eat protein bars that are 200 or fewer calories. Switching protein bars to higher calories like 400-600 calories is a great way to increase your caloric intake. Other ways to find higher calorie meals are adding stuff into smoothies, and sub skim milk/almond milk for whole milk. Or add juice into it versus milk. Add oats, flaxseed, and other nutrients. Adding granola and fruit to your yogurt to make a parfait. There are ways to add calories to food and trick your brain.

This is why I state to be patient with yourself on your nutrition journey. Because what might work for some does not always work for all. You might try a smoothie and hate it and want to give up and throw your hands in the air. Don’t. Do not give up. It just means that does not work, and now try something else. Keep trying ideas until you find what makes your body happy. You will know what makes your body happy because you will feel happy too. And remember there are professionals available to help. CLICK HERE.  


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