Importance of Recovery

Train, Train, Train… man does some of us love to train. It is the only thing we know, and love to do. Work, train, eat, sleep, repeat. We are conditioned to just go and do what we love. Training can be anything from working out at the gym to getting ready for a marathon race, or even an extensive hobby such as ballet.

We tend to get so caught up in the fun of what we love to do, we forget the wear and tear it does on our bodies too.

Earlier this year we put out a blog on ‘5 Recovery Methods for Health’. CLICK HERE TO READ.

What I did not discuss is the importance of why you need to recover.

Muscle Recovery

It does not matter if you are training for a strong man, a bodybuilding competition, or a dance recital. Utilizing your muscles in any way is going to cause muscle tissue to be damaged. Also, when you are working out or extensively doing an activity you deplete your body’s glycogen levels. Glycogen is also known as the body’s energy storage. By taking 24-48 hours of rest you allow your body time to restore the glycogen, and muscle tissue making yourself stronger and better when returning.


Yes, this is a thing. Your body will adapt to what you are doing constantly. Changing intensity, and how you do your routine would add promote a different stimulation to your body. Also, adaptation also falls under the category of when your body just breaks down from the same routine over and over again. By allowing breaks and allowing your body to recover. It can get back to the routine and become stronger and better.


Overtraining is commonly overlooked. Most people do not believe overtraining exists. Well, I am here to tell you it definitely does. There are so many signs of overtraining to name a few, decrease immunity, persistent injuries, fatigue, and strains. Too much stress on a body is going to have ulterior consequences.

I know I use to be a constant athlete who overtrained all the time. Especially, when I was in prep and getting ready for a bodybuilding show. The last four weeks are crucial to push your body to a point that is unattainable, and unmanageable.

Overtraining got my immune system weak, I had to take more vitamins and supplements. It made me prone to injury, so I had to decrease the intensity I trained so I didn’t get injured. It was doable, however coming out of a show the recovery was so much harder for my body.

Taking necessary time off, or focusing on different methods of recovery helps your body stay in a prime condition to keep intense training.

So, instead of just pushing my body to a point it could not sustain. I started to take recovery more seriously. I started doing more ice baths, and massage therapy. I stretch/foam rolled more. There was so much I added into the final weeks of bodybuilding prep to help my body stay in a healthy relaxed state and prevent injury.

Take the time off, if you cannot take the time off focus on different methods to keep your body healthy.


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