Best Foods to Get Rid of Acne

We have all had some type of pesky breakout. Whether it was going through puberty or unwanted adult acne. Acne can make us feel insecure, self-conscious, or even just uncomfortable in our own skin.

So, What is Acne?

Acne is also known as acne vulgaris. This is a skin condition where dead skin cells and oil clog the hair follicles. Sometimes acne can form bacteria in the gland and the puss will start to form. Acne can appear on:

  • Face

  • Neck

  • Back

  • Shoulders

Some forms of acne can hurt, itch, or even be uncomfortable.

SO, How to Treat Acne?

Depending on the severity of acne, there are over-the-counter medications. Some forms of acne can be treated through prescription medication. Developing a skincare routine for the type of skin you have is important. I would recommend seeing a dermatologist to get the best advice for skincare routines, and if your acne is severe to the point of medication.

What Foods Prevent Acne?

Let’s start off with the types of food that will help your skin, and then dive into the nutrients needed for your skin.

Complex carbohydrates, we touched on this in other blog articles. Sticking to whole grains, legumes, and unprocessed fruits and vegetables is going to be the best for your skin. When you consume higher processed or more refined sugars it triggers your body’s insulin response and releases a hormone that when in excess will have sebum secrete more from your oil glands.

  • yellow and orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apricots, and sweet potatoes

  • spinach and other dark green and leafy vegetables

  • tomatoes

  • blueberries

  • whole-wheat bread

  • brown rice

  • quinoa

  • turkey

  • pumpkin seeds

  • beans, peas, and lentils

  • salmon, mackerel, and other kinds of fatty fish

  • nuts

Nutrients Your Skin Needs…


Zinc helps regulate the metabolism and hormone levels here are some foods that are rich in zinc

  • Pumpkin Seeds

  • Cashews

  • Beef

  • Turkey

  • Quinoa

  • Lentils

  • Seafood such as crab or oysters

Vitamin A & E

When eating foods from this nutrient be aware there is a toxicity limit behind it, so truly do what we always say “eat the rainbow

o   Vitamin A

  • Beef, Mackerel, Salmon, Eggs, Trout

  • Sweet Potato, Kale, Carrots, Spinach

  • Mango, Watermelon, Apricots, Tangerines

o   Vitamin E

  • Spinach

  • Nuts

  • Red Bell Pepper

  • Broccoli

  • Oils

  • Wheat

Antioxidants & Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Antioxidants help fight toxins in the body. When partnered with Omega-3s they help reduce inflammation in the body.

o   Antioxidants

  • Pumpkin, Eggplant, Spinach

  • Peaches, Apples, Grapes

  • Egg, Fish

  • Oats, Brown Rice

  • Walnuts, Almonds

  • Ginger, Garlic

  • Tea, Coffee

o   Omega-3s

  • Mackerel

  • Salmon

  • Cod

  • Oysters

  • Flaxseed

  • Walnuts

  • Chia Seeds

Many of these options are repeated throughout. So, developing a lifestyle around eating what your body needs can be beneficial. If you need help with a healthy lifestyle, schedule a consultation. CLICK HERE.


Which Hormones are Important


What NOT to Eat for Weight Loss