What NOT to Eat for Weight Loss

We all get told what to eat, right… Like we all know eat your fruits, eat your vegetables, drink your water, & do your exercise.

However, we know what certain things to stay away from…

And we know what is truly bad for us…

BUT what should we not be eating for our weight loss

What really is the glue that makes our weight stick to us…


Now, let me explain before eyes roll, and you keep scrolling. There are people who can stomach dairy and be just fine. There are others who start to develop a sensitivity, if not intolerance who need to cut dairy. We are all born with a lactose enzyme, and eventually, the enzyme will run out. Sometimes it happens super early in life, other times it lasts our whole life. It just depends on you as a person. Not all dairy has to be cut out

However, the amount of dairy that is consumed should be limited. Yes, that even means the yogurts, the cheese, the milk, cottage cheese, and even eggs depending on the circumstances.

Start by reducing the amount you consume and see for two weeks if you notice a difference. If you do, make another cut. When you reach your goal weight, you can SLOWLY! Incorporate them back into your lifestyle.

Carbonated Beverages

Ok, we are going to get a little science-based, and nerdy here. A research article done on carbonated beverages showed the release of ghrelin… What is ghrelin? Ghrelin is alternatively known as the ‘Hunger Hormone.’ It is a hormone in the gut that travels through the bloodstream to your brain and says, “hey, the stomach is empty, it’s time to eat.”

Anyways… these researchers found that when a pack of rats drank carbonation their ghrelin levels were higher than the rats that were just drinking water. It also showed a weight fluctuation where the carbonated rats gained more weight than the rats that drank water.

Therefore, cut the carbonation! I use to say it helps me feel full, and I use to be a carbonation junkie. Not anymore. And energy drinks, NO! they do not help you lose weight. Even if they have caffeine, they are usually over-caffeinated, and not ok for you to consume that much.

Stick to water or tea if you need a flavored beverage.

High Amounts of Sugar

What do I mean by the high amount of sugar

I mean literally eating way too much sugar in a day, every day of the week. There is a difference between having your cake and eating it too. And overindulging.

I am also discussing anything from processed sugars to hidden sugars where labels say “sugar-free.” Most times when labels state sugar-free it normally has an alternative sugar additive. Also, if you find that you are gaining weight when eating sugar substitutes, it may be that it is promoting weight gain, not a loss. So, switch them out for natural sugar like fruit or honey.

First start by tracking how much you are doing on a day-to-day basis, in a whole week. Take count of how much, and then the following week cut it in half. If the results start showing up, you now can see your sugar levels are too high.

If you have already done this, and are having too much artificial sugar, do the same track the artificial sugar and then cut it in half to see if the results come.

Excessive Condiments

I think I told you all I am the condiment queen, if not I know I mentioned it on my podcast. If you have not listened, go take a peek.

I used to love flavoring all the foods with condiments. I would have anything from sugar-free BBQ sauce to reduced-sugar ketchup. I would look at multiple different stores for the newest and latest mustard flavoring. I would try and find the new G. Hughes brand. I love all the condiments.

However, when I first started to use condiments, I would pour them on. Like I would drench my food in condiments. I thought the more serving the more flavor. Ok… NO! The more serving the MORE CALORIES. I was substituting the calories I cut for the condiment amount I was using.  

So, it’s ok to use condiments… just be aware of the serving size, and how much you are utilizing for each meal. Also, be aware of what ingredients those condiments hold, and if your body is loving them or not.

Another condiment that people don’t think of that is a condiment is flavors for water, coffee, or even tea. Be careful of the additives you put in your beverages. It can also be known as a condiment.

Large Quantities

Portion 👏Control👏


Ok seriously now that I have got your attention. Yes! When you are going through weight loss you want to measure everything. Weigh everything. I can hear some of you say now… well vegetables don’t count…

UH… yeah, they do. Even vegetables have carbs, and overeating your vegetables can take you out of weight loss. So if you are striving to hit a goal, and you are wanting to reach the potential you are trying to accomplish. Weigh and measure your food items. Even measure your additional beverages. Remember they have calories too, depending on what you consume. If you are having a zero-calorie beverage, please see the above points.

Ok so now that we got those points made. If you are struggling to lose weight. Schedule a consultation let me help and guide you through your weight loss journey. Or just implement the above tips and tricks and see what results you get.


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