4 Favorite Seasonings

Sometimes it can be so hard to season food and know which ones are good and which ones you will enjoy.

So, this is an opinionated blog where these seasons work for me and my household.

They have been an even bigger hit when I recommend them to others. So, I hope you all enjoy these as much as my household enjoys them.


Starting off with the GOAT, in our house. Kinder’s makes so many different flavors. Our house is a huge fan of Kinder’s Seasonings. The main one we use in our food is The Blend Salt Pepper & Garlic. We top every meat and vegetable with this seasoning. The next big one we put on everything (minus sweet items) is Caramelized Onion Butter. Those two are our main staples in the Kinder’s Seasonings. However, they aren’t the only ones we enjoy other seasonings from Kinder’s are Roasted Chicken with Garlic and Herb, Buttery Steakhouse, and Prime Steak or Steak Blend.

We got most of our seasonings from a bulk store out in the Southwest called Sam’s Club. Other times we go on good ol’ fashion Amazon. CLICK HERE.

Mrs. Dash

I know this one is cliché or whatever we want to call it. However, these are such a good staple of mix-matching flavors with other seasonings that do have a salt additive in them. The staples in our house are Garlic and Herb, Onion and Herb, Southwest, and Lemon Pepper.

Each one is used for different foods. The Garlic and Onion herb ones we use more on our meats, and vegetables and pair with Kinder’s Seasonings. The Southwest is used occasionally to use a slight spice to different items, depending on what theme food we are making that night. Lemon Pepper, we gravitate more towards our fish or seafood items. We get the majority of our Mrs. Dash at the grocery store, however, if you are an online shopper Amazon is always a staple. CLICK HERE.

Miscellaneous Seasonings

These are the random seasonings my significant other and I found while shopping around town. One we love putting on all meats and brings a bit of spice to each item is from Suckle Busters’ called Clucker Dust Chicken Rub. We found this gem at Cabela’s some towns might have it at Bass Pro Shop. Also yes, it can be found on Amazon, CLICK Here.

Another great one is Dan-O’s seasoning. We use the Original flavor of Dan-O’s which we found at our local grocery store here in town west coast may know it as Fry’s, east coast may know it more as Kroger. Again, like all seasonings, it is on Amazon. CLICK HERE.

When looking for seasonings we always look at the ingredients. We want to see what is in our seasoning, and which different blends are added to each. Other factors that go into finding the best seasonings are smelling them too and making sure they smell good. We also go in with the intent of what we want to season, steak, chicken, and vegetables, most of the time when we find one that works it works on a lot of different items.


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