Best Source of Vitamin D

Where I live the sun is always shining. So, you would think we wouldn’t have such an issue with vitamin D. Wrong. Between smothering ourselves in sunscreen, utilizing shade when we can, and avoiding the outdoors so we “don’t get hot”… We are actually known for our deficiency in vitamin D.


  • Muscle weakness

  • Fatigue

  • Deformities in joints

  • Bone pain

  • Mood changes such as depression

Why do we need Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is useful to help promote calcium absorption in the gut and for bone mineralization. Meaning calcium and vitamin D pair as partners in crime. D helps Calcium absorb and have a strong gut, and help have strong bones. There are other ways Vitamin D is at work, it helps with inflammation, cell growth, immune function, and glucose metabolism.

Sources of Vitamin D

The three best sources are Cod liver oil, trout, and salmon. Other non-fish items that are good sources are, mushrooms preferably white, milk that has been fortified with vitamin D, and any other fortified items too. After the fortified items, the sources that have a source of vitamin D would be sardines, eggs, liver, cheddar cheese, and portabella mushrooms. Of course, the other known sources are sunlight, going out and absorbing the beautiful sun rays.

Recommended Intake

Here is the thing with intake, some people understand, and others are unaware. So, let me take a second and educate really quick.

There is an upper intake, meaning you can over do it. To much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Let’s be clear bad thing does not mean straight death, it means certain side effects.

There is a daily requirement, meaning you should hit a certain number daily.

There are age categories that need more than others.

Babies: 10mcg don’t get that confused with mg… its MCG

                Upper Limit: 25-38mcg

Children: 15 mcg

                Upper Limit: 63-75 mcg

Teens: 15 mcg… even if a teen gets pregnant and breast feeding remains at 15 mcg

                Upper Limit: 100mcg

Adults: 15 mcg same goes as for teens doesn’t change with pregnant or nursing

                Upper Limit: 100mcg

Over 70 years old: 20mcg

                Upper Limit: 100mcg

Take Away

Most people in sunny states are lower in vitamin D. It doesn’t take a lot to make your daily requirement, however to much can be a bad thing. Utilizing different sources to reach your intake. Understand the body needs vitamin D to work with calcium to keep you healthy.


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