Finding the Reason that Give You a Why

Most of the time when someone decides to start a healthy lifestyle, it starts with being tired of the lifestyle they are already living.

Some people want to stop smoking, stop drinking, stop feeling lethargic, stop body acne, get pregnant, or just feel internally better.

Most people who are successful with completely transitioning into a healthier lifestyle have a main reason that means more to them than instant gratification.

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When someone decides to stop doing something, it truly has an underlining reason. I remember my grandfather chewing tobacco for 20+ years. One day he woke up and saw the price increase on a roll of Copenhagen and stopped chewing that day. In his mind, the cost of what he was doing was not worth it.

He had an underlining reason to stop, he rather quit chewing than pay the price of a bad habit. Now, do I wish it was something better, like his health…

Sure, however, I’m keeping it real. You need to start with why you want to stop. It needs to be a hardcore passion for it to be real for you.

My grandfather was such a ‘penny pincher’ and to him spending money was the worst cringe he could possibly do. So, for him to give up chewing because of the cost was his greatest determination.


After you decided your biggest reason to stop. And remember must be strong hate for what you’re doing in order to make the change. Then you want to start building a plan of action.

What does your plan of action look like? Do you need someone to hold you accountable? CLICK HERE. Do you need a new daily routine? Do you need a support system?

You want to start evaluating your lifestyle currently. What will need to change? How can you make those changes possible? What are the small things you can do first?

If you are wanting to quit drinking evaluate how much you drink in a day/week and start to slowly taper back day by day. If you want to eat healthier, evaluate how many poor choice meals you have, and what is one healthy option you can implement in one meal a day.


Each week take small steps until you are 100% where you want to be in your new lifestyle. Also, take time and give yourself grace.

Your journey through this new change is going to be your own and if it isn’t perfect that is ok. We learn through making mistakes and finding which way works best for our own lifestyle. So, do not be hard on yourself when the first evaluation does not go as planned. Get back up dust yourself off and try again.

Never Give Up


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