Collagen: Liquid Vs. Powder

Collagen: Liquid Vs. Powder

Welcome back this week to collagen

We have now discussed what collagen is and its benefits… if you missed it, please go back and READ IT HERE.

Last week we discussed the marine vs. bovine… if you missed it READ IT HERE.

This week let’s look into liquid vs. powder


Collagen itself is hydrolyzed, what that means… it is broken down for better absorption in the body. So, when collagen is turned into a liquid form it is easy to take. It has the same compounds and same benefits as any source of collagen…

So, what’s the issue?

Liquid can cause some disruption in the digestion process. There are cases in which people are allergic, and a reaction occurs. Other issues that occur with liquid collagen, are how potent it is in liquid, and not being able to process it fast enough. So common issues would be nausea, diarrhea, bloating, or even heartburn.

Is this the case for all people? NO! Again, every BODY is different and will react differently. You do want to be careful with liquid collagen. Some providers will add flavoring to it, and it can hold artificial sweeteners and preservatives. If that is the case you need to read the ingredients to make sure nothing will trigger any underlining health concerns (if you have any). Again, consult with your doctor.


The powder form is the hydrolyzed collagen broken down into a powder. It can be mixed with beverages, soups, or forms of liquid intake. I do not recommend sprinkling it on food or solids. It will clump and the texture is awkward (for all my texture fans out there).

The benefits do not change no matter what form of collagen you are intaking.

However, the cons of taking powder aren’t as high as a liquid. Since powder can be measured out differently than the liquid it does not face the same side effects as a liquid. Some may feel heartburn or indigestion. Those are the common side effects listed. Make sure to check with a doctor on your health profile before taking supplements (yes even natural supplements).

So, if you are looking at which way is the best way to utilize it as a supplement. The powder has less of evils. You can do both. One is not more potent than the other. Just one does have more side effects than another. If you are not a powder person, and you try the liquid, and are fine. AWESOME! Please, remember everyone will have a different experience.


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