My View on Intermittent Fasting

A few people have come up to me and asked my viewpoint on this subject. I do want to start off by stating, this blog will have educational bits to describe what intermittent fasting is all about. However, the majority will be based on opinion.


Because I have seen so many different scenarios, what works for one BODY will definitely be different for another BODY.

I met a guy at a family party who has diabetes and he could not get it under control. The way he got his diabetes under control was through intermittent fasting, and any professional would say that is harmful and horrible and he shouldn’t do it. BUT it works for HIS BODY.

So, what is for one person is not necessarily for everybody.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting means you do not eat for a certain period of time. And it is a set period of time. 12-hour fast, 14-hour fast, it can be certain days where you eat 5 days and fast 2 days. When you fast on the 2 days you are able to have minimal calories of 500-600. By fasting, you are helping your body access stored fat to burn as energy in those time spans, which is why it is beneficial to some. It has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity to others. As well as it has shown improvement in bettering one’s genes for longevity and protection from diseases.

My View.

I have used this scenario multiple times in blogs however I see the body as a car, and the food we consume as gas. Your car (body) can only go so far with the fuel (food) you give it before it runs out. One friend asked am I against it. No, I am not against intermittent fasting, I have seen so many benefits help people. I also have seen religious benefits from it for others. I, however, do not feel intermittent fasting is for everyone and their medical conditions depending on what is going on.

This is where the beginning story comes into play. I like most professionals see intermittent fasting can be damaging to someone who has diabetes. However, listening to that man’s story it gives you different perspectives on what works for his body. So, I do not rule out anything for anyone.

However, intermittent fasting takes discipline, and a lot of detail to make it work properly. Would I suggest it to someone that is struggling to eat… NOPE! Would I suggest it to someone that literally snacks too much and feels like they can’t stop eating… NOPE! Would I suggest it to someone who is trying to get pregnant or is pregnant… UH ABSOLUTELY NOT!

I would recommend intermittent fasting to someone with specific goals. I would recommend it to someone who works irregular shifts like healthcare workers, firefighters, or EMTs.

There is a way to do intermittent fasting that is safe and doable. A lot of great benefits come from intermittent fasting. If you are new to it, I would suggest consulting a doctor before beginning. I would advise working with a professional to make sure everything is going right. And I would advise doing your own research to make sure it is something you are wanting to do.

Health Benefits from Intermittent Fasting

  • Weight loss

  • Insulin resistance

  • Reduction of Inflammation

  • Heart health

  • Reduce the Risk of Cancer

  • Brain Health

  • Anti-aging


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