Protein Snacks for On-The-Go

Now we can say this is for busy moms… but let’s face it. You can be a traveler, business personnel always in their car, or just someone running from thing to thing.

The biggest thing that is out there is tons of carb snacks, or snacks loaded in fats. I love when clients tell me they utilize trail mix, but do not realize the amount of healthy fat they have in them.

So… how do you get a higher protein snack in, while on the go…


Protein Shake

Protein shakes can be ready-to-drink shakes like premier protein, pure protein, muscle milk, or core power. There are lots of ready-made protein shakes that are out there. If you want to make your own with protein powder and water/low-fat milk base absolutely go for it.


Some people aren’t egg fans… it is ok to skip this one and go to the next. Eggs can be done in multiple different ways. You can make your own egg bites or hard boiled eggs.

These two egg snacks are easy to carry in the car, or in any bag.

Protein Bars

This one is a finicky one. Some protein bars are higher in carbs and higher in fats than protein. You want to make sure you read the macronutrients on a protein bar. If the carbs and protein are equivalent to 20g and the fats are close to 10g that is a great bar to go towards. If you look at a protein bar and all three macronutrients are around 15g that is like having a balanced meal. If you look at a bar and the protein is like 10g and the carbs and fat are way higher STAY AWAY. They wouldn’t be bad for endurance runners however not for a snack. Brands I like and recommend, are Quest, Oh yeah One, Pure Protein, and Barebells Protein Bar.

Protein Treats

I have a wonderful friend that makes protein treats. Anywhere from muffins to power balls, even cookies. These treats are so delicious and packed with amazing protein. They can cure a sweet tooth instantly. Her website is she is on Instagram as @alicia.percival.

Meat Options

This one is a little trickier because you would need to have a lunch box or carrying bag for this. I love my Qontevo (CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS). If I know I am going to be out for long periods of time. I will pack a small bag of protein. It can be shrimp, chicken, or even little steak bites. I pack it to reheat at a gas station and go really quick. Now if you are not really into doing an idea like that.

Drive Thru Options

When going through a Drive Thru you can order protein options without the carbs. You can find a place with grilled chicken (Chik-Fil-A). You can get a bunless burger (In-n-Out). You can get a salad (Mcdonalds/Burger King). The key when getting salads is to make sure you don’t drench it with dressing and go for a lighter dressing to save the fat calories.

So, next time you are on the go make sure to pack your protein snacks to stay on track. Or make sure to make wise choices when eating out.

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