Best Source of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is more commonly known as the orange vitamin. Meaning… things that have an orange color to them, carrots, sweet potatoes, and so forth. Why do people make such a big deal about this vitamin anyways?

Well… it has multiple different functions that can better assist your body. However, today we are going to dive into the nitty gritty details of vitamin A and where the best sources of this vitamin come from.

What is Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is part of the retinoid family. The main retinoids are retinol and retinyl esters. Uh, can that be broken down into English, please…. Yes. Retinoids have an effect on building the body. So, they are here to help with cell growth, cell communication, cell development, the immune system, and male/female reproduction.

When I mention the cell process of growth, communication, and development it is for the organs of the eyes, lungs, heart, and a few others. Hence why people tell you to eat your carrots for your eyes.

There are two types of vitamin A; there is Preformed found most in animal proteins and dairy. And then there is Provitamin A also known as carotenoids. Carotenoids are more plant-based and convert vitamin A in the intestines, and are more commonly found in orange-colored foods since Carotenoids give off an orange color.

Vitamin A Intake

Just like with all vitamins, there is an upper limit that must be taken into consideration. When someone intakes too much vitamin A the side effects can vary on how much was consumed, some side effects include, nausea and vomiting, dry itchy skin, loss of hair or appetite, weakness, and blurred vision. More severe side effects can be enlarging of the liver and spleen.

So, what is a proper intake and what is the UL…

Babies: 400-700mcg

              Upper limit: 600mcg

Adolescents: 300-600mcg

              Upper Limit: 600-900mcg

Pre-teens: 600 mcg

              Upper Limit: 1700mcg

Teenagers: Male-900mcg Females- 700 mcg

              Upper Limit: 2800-3000mcg

Adults: Male-900mcg Female-700mcg

              Upper Limit: 3000mcg

Women Pregnant/Nursing: 750-1300mcg

              Upper Limit: 2800-3000mcg

Best Sources of Vitamin A

The best sources with the highest vitamin A content are liver from beef, and sweet potato with the skin on. Following those two as being the highest would be spinach, pumpkin pie, carrots, and Atlantic Herring (a fish). Then coming in with moderation of vitamin A would be vanilla-flavored ice cream, and skim milk but must be fortified with vitamin A, cantaloupe, ricotta cheese, red sweet peppers, and mangoes.

Other types that are going to be a good source of vitamin A are foods that are fortified with vitamin A inside of them like cereal, or granola bars.

You know we all say eat the rainbow, however, that can be hard depending on what you like, and what you can/cannot stand to eat. Sometimes eating sweet potatoes, carrots, or beef liver is not really on the palette. Yes, it is beneficial to get your vitamins from food sources. It just isn’t always realistic to do it that way. It is ok to get your vitamins from a multivitamin pack, or from fortified foods like cereal and milk. Never discourage yourself from your own health journey, for it will look different compared to anyone else.


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