How to Become Motivated When You Don’t Feel Motivated

There are so many times we feel empowered to start a new lifestyle. We want to start becoming regular with a gym routine. We want to start eating a healthier lifestyle. We want to do something new and different to make us feel better in life.

However, it is so hard to take the old habits we are so COMFORTABLE with having and switching them over to new habits. New habits are uncomfortable and can make you feel uneasy because it’s new.

As humans we get so routine with what we do, adding new things, or adding a new routine can be the hardest. We have to restructure our minds; we have to reprogram everything we do so we can switch over to what we want now. That can be the hardest part.

Ways to Change Habits

Start Small

I do not recommend switching to many of your lifestyle routines all at once. You want to slowly add new things to your life. If you quit smoking, stop drinking, go to the gym, and eat healthy all in one week, you will exhaust yourself and fail. Some people have done that. Was it successful… sure. Was it necessary to feel that much pain and suffering… no.

Take one habit at a time and give yourself a 2–3-week grace period. Stop smoking for three weeks. When you haven’t had nicotine in three weeks, then take away something else, or add something new. Do it step by step. Once your brain is used to experiencing dopamine releases with stuff that feels pleasureful at that moment. When you take away those huge dumps of dopamine and switch over to something that doesn’t do a huge dump but a healthy release it can be depriving at first.

Don’t Give Up

Some weeks you will keep failing and you will find yourself repeating cycles. It will feel like what is the point? Why am I even doing this I keep failing. Well, all great artists, athletes, scientists, and creators had to keep failing before they made a masterpiece. It isn’t about failing; it’s about not giving up on the goals you want to accomplish. It’s ok to fail and to start over again. It’s ok to hit the reset button a million times. Failure shows us what not to do anymore. Now, if you keep failing for the same reason, it is time to restructure your game plan.

Remembering Your Goals

It can be easy to forget why you started, and why you want to make the changes. When you keep failing, you don’t see success, and everything in life feels against you for your new goals it’s easier to throw in the towel than to rework the plan. Remembering your goals can be as easy as writing them down every day, and taking mini steps towards that goal. It can be as easy as making a dream/manifestation board. Putting all your goals on a board and that way you look at it every day to remind you where you want to be and not where you are now.

Support System

Support systems are HUGE. Having accountability and someone who is an outsider looking to guide you is important.

That is a big reason I do what I do as a health coach. Clients will be in their own heads about a task or a mistake, they don’t recognize all the wonderful wins they accomplished to get where they are now. Having support can guide and show you the huge steps you already made when you are focusing on the one mistake that is keeping you from progressing again. If this accountability is a step you are missing in getting better at your goals, schedule a consultation. CLICK HERE.

Motivation isn’t something we all wake up with. Motivation is something we constantly have to remind ourselves about. Every day, every minute and everything we do will not be perfect. To become better in any chapter of our life, we will stumble make mistakes, and fall down. The biggest part of all of this, do not to stay knocked down, get back up dust yourself off and get back to your goals.


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