How to be a Healthy Mama

Again, we all know I am not a mom… & I know some people ask me well how can I give advice if I am not a mom. Agreed! Which is why I took the time to reach out to my mom friends and get their feedback.

Here is what I saw as a reoccurring situation.


Every mom I talked with had a routine. Had a system, that has a certain order of ways they conduct their household. Hence why they find themselves successful. Now, they said is it always a success? NO! There are always situations that are going to come up and occur. The best thing to do is have a backup plan, don’t stress out, and know it all works out the way it is supposed to.

One mom stated her whole day was upside down, and even though she knew she had to go train, and she knew she needed to get in her meal ate beforehand… Well, her son’s school called and all that came crashing down. She said I use to be the one to panic and think everything is ruined. Now I take time, make sure I am a mom first and foremost, then rework my day around everything. If something does not get done it is ok, I will do it tomorrow.

Meal Plan

I know we keep mentioning this one on almost every blog…

BUT it is truly the glue to what makes mamas successful.

All of the moms I chatted with meal prep or have a meal service they order from. They all said I won’t eat healthily or maintain a healthy lifestyle if I do not have my meals prepped. Like most mamas know you are making numerous meals for kids, partners, and yourself. So, take out one of those and make your meals ahead of time.

Also, for the mamas on the go, this is your key staple. All my busy mom friends have all their meals packed for the day, and carry protein snacks with them if they know they are going out for long periods of time. Make sure you are prepared, or failure will come.

Plan B

No, not that plan B… I mean like have a backup plan. Not all the moms I chatted with have a backup plan. However, the majority of them do. They said they had to fail in order to know how to have a backup plan. So, I really want to emphasize… it’s ok to fail and to stumble. Stumble and fall that way you learn what backup plan works best for your schedule and your family. Perfection, and having a great healthy lifestyle come with making failed attempts so you know what works and what doesn’t.


All my mom friends that have success in living the life they want, have a tribe to help and support. Do not feel like you have to do it all on your own. Utilize the tribe that surrounds you. Family, friends, and people who are there for support make life easier. Have them help pick up the kids, do meal prep, or just babysit. Whatever you need reach out to your support. If you are reading this and are sitting there stating you really do not have a tribe of support. Start building a tribe… the babysitter who helps you that is your tribe. The soccer mom friend who you chat with makes a connection and utilizes it as a tribe and supports her too. There are people all around that need just as much support as you, so build a tribe, and support your tribe.

Now I know I use a lot of pronouns as she/her, however, this can be for dads too! This goes for the single dads trying to make it and live a healthy lifestyle. This goes for the parents that are out there just trying to be the best parent and make healthy lifestyle choices. You are not alone. Take these key components utilize them and start building your healthy lifestyle.


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