Collagen: Bovine vs. Marine

A hot question that has come to my attention last week after the collagen blog, was which one is better bovine or marine?

So, let’s dive into what both of those collagen sources benefit, and truly which one is better.


Marine is exactly what it sounds like. It comes from marine, fish like cod or snapper. They are mostly from the scales and skin of the fish. It is odorless and you won’t have a taste or anything fish related. When the skin/scales are broken down to make collagen it is put through a process called hydrolysis. Since it is broken down into mini bits, the peptides are easier to dissolve in liquids or foods such as oatmeal, smoothies, or soups.


Bovine is something you can assume is like its name and comes from cows. It is more present in connective tissue, bones, cartilage, and cowhide.

Types of Collagen

Type 1

Type one collagen is mostly found all over the body, except for the cartilage. It is known to be more concentrated in bone, ligaments, tendons, hair, skin, nails, and the gut lining.

Type 2

Now type two is mainly found in cartilage.

Type 3

Type three collagen is found in the skin, muscles, and blood vessels.

Bovine vs. Marine

Marine collagen is made up of type one and two collagen so you would think since it is covering all the bases this is a better form. However, Bovine collagen is made up of types one and three are superior to overall health. Both aspects are ok. So, if you are someone who does not eat meat, and stays away from bovine collagen you wouldn’t “lack” in health. Marine collagen still is a great collagen source.

The common reason why bovine trumps marine in better health is how many amino acids are making up the collagen. Bovine is made up of 18 amino acids. So, it has a better triple helix structure…

Meaning the three amino acids that it is composed of (glycine, proline, & hydroxyproline) have a strong bond.


If you stray away from animal products but are ok with fish (pescatarians) then marine collagen will be fine. However, if you have no dietary limitations, lean more towards bovine for overall health quality.


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