How to Fix Leaky Gut

Is it a myth, or is it a fact?

Some will say that a leaky gut is made up, it is all in one’s head. However, research would show differently. It isn’t a diagnosis to be told you have a leaky gut. Some medical professionals would label it as an autoimmune disease, or they would look for a bigger root cause and label it with celiac or inflammatory bowel disease.

However, the big main part is all those diseases stem from the LEAKY GUT!

What is Leaky Gut?

So, inside your stomach, you have certain linings. And the lining of your stomach is porous and semi-absorbable. Now, think of a draw bridge, and when you intake food, beverages, and nutrients a draw bridge effect takes place. When you intake the wrong types of food, or dangerous toxins in your body, (even stress can be a major factor in it too) you break down the walls of the stomach and the drawbridge does not work as effectively as it should. Then it allows toxins into your bloodstream. Hence the term “leak.” So some professionals do not like to use the term Leaky Gut, since it is not a true diagnosis. However, it is in fact a true condition that will lead to a real medical underlining condition.

Symptoms of Leaky Gut

Digestive Issues i.e. gas, bloating, diarrhea, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)

Food Allergies

Brain Fog

Mood Imbalances i.e. anxiety, depression

Skin Issues i.e. acne, eczema

Hormonal Imbalances i.e. PMS, PCOS, irregular periods


Autoimmune Disease

Chronic Fatigue

What Causes Leaky Gut?

Leaky Gut can come from three main factors, poor diet, toxins, and stress.

Poor Diet

The main culprits in a poor diet are going to be sugar and alcohol. However, they are not the only issues that cause this in a poor diet. Other factors in a diet that can contribute are gluten! Hence why some medical professionals will diagnose patients with celiac disease. Other causes can be dairy or just preservatives in foods our bodies can’t digest.


This is big, especially in our society. Believe it or not, the medications we take can be so toxic to our system that they can cause a leaky gut. I mean NSAIDS (Motrin/Advil), Antibiotics, and acid-reducing medications (TUMS). Those aren’t the only things we can label as toxins, there are so many other toxins in products that can hurt our digestive lining. BPA from plastic bottles (hence the sticker BPA-free). The most common toxins that are found are Candida overgrowth, parasites, and small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Hence why it is super important to take care of your gut health.


Now, this speaks for itself not much to touch on here. However, stress can cause more than a leaky gut. You can also have IBS, and ulcers which are common symptoms that lead up to a leaky gut.

How to Fix Leaky Gut?

Leaky gut can be fixed by taking care of your internal health…

What does that mean?


Start taking a digestive enzyme to help your food be broken down better. Also, pair that with a strong pre/probiotic. Why do you need both? Because it will help fight off the bad bacteria while instilling the good bacteria back into your gut. Also, collagen is a great source of helping repair the gut. You can find more information on that in previous blogs. CLICK HERE.

Proper Food

Reduce sugars, alcohol, and foods containing high preservatives in them. Follow proper nutrition giving your body the right micronutrients and macronutrients through food. If you need help with proper nutrition let me guide you to a healthy lifestyle. CLICK HERE.

Be Aware

Start taking notice of what you are putting into your body. After you eat how do you feel? Is your tummy upset? Are you bloated? Do you have inconsistent bowel movements? You want to feel good after you eat. You want your stomach to feel at ease and not disruptive. If you have disruption normally that is a sign to start changing what you are doing. Or take out whatever is making your stomach upset.


A leaky gut is an actual condition. It is not in the medical book to be diagnosed. However, it can lead to serious other medical conditions. So be aware and take care of your health before it gets worse.


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