Avoid These Poor Health Habits While Traveling

Business workers, flight attendants, or even just going on a trip yourself sticking to a healthy routine can be frustrating. Why is this so difficult?

So, let’s get into habits to avoid when traveling.

Winging It

Stop winging it. Stop going to the airport expecting a kiosk to be open. Or expecting some type of healthy version restaurant to be near your terminal. You are not a genie, and you cannot predict it. So, why set yourself up for failure in that mindset.

Also, stop winging your trip. For example, I am from the west coast, and I travel to the east coast. I know for a fact how many days and nights I was going to be there. I know exactly which meals were going to be eaten out (per business) and which meals I could pack and how I could pack them. Plan ahead!

Eating Out

Everyone thinks when they travel, they have to eat all their meals out


There are two methods you can stay in your healthy lifestyle while being out of town.

Grocery Shopping

One way that my partner and I like to stay on track is by shopping when we get to the destination. Over the summer we had three trips we took. On each trip when we got to the hotel, we made sure to find a local grocery store. So, now that can be broken down into two parts, go and get groceries, or have Instacart drop groceries off at your hotel/Airbnb.

Meal Prep

The second method, pack your food! I have frozen egg whites in the past to get them through TSA. I have frozen chicken, so it creates an ice pack around the rest of the food (& it doesn’t go bad). I have frozen bulk of rice. I have premade breakfast waffles and pack those as well.

So, ditch the lame “I have to eat out excuse” and start planning/shopping for meals to keep your health in line.


This is the hardest when riding in a car…

Or flying in a plane.

I know this one took me a while to get down before I master it.

Let’s start with time management.


If you know when your plane takes off and lands, be prepared. For example, if I fly out around 3 pm I will make sure half of my water intake is already done. Yes, bathroom trips happen a lot. Prepare the person sitting on the end aisle, or make sure you are on the end aisle. Pack an empty water bottle. I always carry my trusty 50oz bottle. Then you can either spend money (I do not advise). Or fill it up at a water station. If you have a water taste preference (which some people do), wait to get boarded, and ask the flight attendant for three glasses of water. Pour those into your water bottle and sip a little. Then as they come back around for trash ask for three more glasses of water. Accumulate as many cups as possible to fill the bottle. Some flight attendants will catch on and just be super sweet and fill the bottle up for you. Don’t always count on that.


Now for car trips…

This one was so much trickier than flying. At least when you fly you have a bathroom when you drive that is a little harder. However, if you are anything like my family, we like to hit the road super early. So, that doesn’t leave much time to chug any water. So, here is the rule I used when going on our trips. 8 ounces per hour. OR! I would time it with the gas. I would sip on my water until we were getting low on gas, then I would start to chug my water knowing a bathroom break was near site.

Some ladies feel comfortable and confident with a she wee and peeing in a bottle, for those that do not. Just do the sip & chug method. Then upon arrival at your destination start chugging your water to catch up for the day. Your kidneys will thank you later.

Follow these few pointers next time you travel and continue living a healthy lifestyle. Say goodbye to those gnarly detoxes, jet-lagging, and swollen issues. These tips will help keep you accountable for the healthy habits you set for yourself. If you need more assistance with leading a healthy lifestyle schedule a consultation with me and we can get you started. CLICK HERE.


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