How to Weigh and Measure Your Food

Do you ever find yourself going on a weight loss journey just to be confused as to why some things are grams, and some things are ounces, and why can’t all things be in cups? Whelp you came to the right page. Today we are going to be discussing the importance of measuring your foods and how to do it accurately.

Now some people choose to eat intuitively, and they do not track their food. That is ok. A lot of people have weighed and measured their food for so long that they have a general idea of what makes their body feel good.

However, if you are starting off on a journey and you do not know where to begin, and what is best for you. 1) Schedule a consultation with me, and let me guide you through your lifestyle transformation. 2) Don’t fear failure. It is ok to make mistakes to learn what is right for you. The biggest part is to keep educating and keep growing through the trials.

I remember when I started off, I weighed all my meat uncooked, and I measure all my vegetables in measuring cups. Was this wrong? No. I was instructed by my coach at the time to do so. However, through education, lots of failures, and understanding each measurement. It led me to reach out and help those that are at the beginning of their journeys wanting to learn too.


Why do people even use this setting? Well, let’s take food labels into consideration. Do you ever see on a food label when they say ½ cup (57.6g). Well, I want you to do an experiment. I want you to take a ½ cup and pour whatever it is in it, then put a container on a scale and zero it out at the grams and pour the half cup in the container. Many times, it will not equal 57.6g. Why? Well, the circumference of the cup, the volume of the cup, and the shape of the items. That is why food labels for more accuracy put grams on the label. So, what should you measure that is grams. Vegetables, fruits, and starches. Anything your food label says in grams. Avoid the cups, and ounces, and go straight for the grams. Grams are a more precise and accurate way of measuring liquids, and solid food items.


This one can be a tricky one. You have ounces in liquid and then you have ounces in weight. Is it safer to just weigh everything in grams… some people do. However, if you are working with a coach and they do not put grams on the menu for you, learning ounces is just as simple. So, for proteins, you want to measure them after it has been cooked. Most health coaches will either guide you on that or should be putting discretion on their food menu for you. Why do you measure it after it is cooked? Well, here is another experiment for you, weigh your protein before you cook it, and then when it is done weigh it again after it is cooked. You will notice a few ounces are gone. Because meat will reduce under heat. You want to make sure you are getting the most out of your protein source. So, weighing it after it is cooked is the best. You also want to make sure when weighing it that you are on an lb./oz part of your scale and not a liquid ounce.

These are the main two that will give you the most accurate measurements. Now I know I can hear some say what about cups. Cups are still a good way to measure items, however as previously stated it does not give accuracy. So depending on how thorough you are trying to be, you want to stick to grams and ounces.

I give my clients a range of different mechanisms… why? So it helps teach them how to eat intuitively, and they are not obsessed over numbers on a scale in the bathroom or a scale in the kitchen. I want my clients to learn a healthy lifestyle will eventually lead them to not overly obsess about weighing everything they eat.

When they are in the learning process. Measuring in different formats is needed. So, they can see the difference in every aspect. If you are wanting to learn to change your lifestyle and become healthier. Let’s chat and get you started on your journey.

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